Friday, 28 October 2016

Assembly Distinction #2

After lunch, we had our whole school assembly. We started with our school waiata.
After that the kakano care cetificates got handed out, next the kauris got handed out.
Then Mrs Trotter handed out the silvers, After Mrs Trotter handed out the principles and bucket filler awards and they are chosen by your teacher they just choose one person in the class and they get that certifercate. Next she did the leadership badges like merits and excellences.
After that the class that was hosting the asscembly talked about what they had been doing.
Then  they asked if any teachers had any notices and Mr Forman had sprots notices to tell the kauri students which is me so I had to make sure I listened.
Then we got to go back to class to pack up.

I showed excellence by sitting up properly on the sits.

I was an active thinker by not talking when others are talking and focusing on the presentation.

I was continuing being a role model by listening in class to the teachers.

Peer Mediation Distinction #6

On Friday I had Peer Mediation with Savannah and Sophie when it was time for our duty like normal we went and put our vests on and our landlords so that people knew that they could come to us if they had a problem.
There weren't any  problems once again which makes it easier and is good.
Firstly we went around the junior area encase any juniors had a problem.
Secondly we went went around the junior side of the field because there are always a lot of people on it so just to make sure there weren't any problems around the junior area because the little kids sometimes have problems. Then we went around the senior side which is where a lot of people again are.
Next we walk around the netball and basketball courts to see if everyone was doing the write thing. Then we when around the classrooms to see what people were doing and make sure they where in the right place.

I showed respect by not walking though peoples games.

I was also being a active thinker by where to walk by knowing where must problems are.

I continued being a role model by wearing my vest properly.

Librarian Distinction #6

On Thursday I had Librarian with Charlie, when we got there we started off by going and getting the books off the trolley and back on the shelves once again.
The first type of books we started with were the picture books with just have one letter of the alphabet on the side, the shelves have the same so they match up.
Secondly we did the chapter books which have three letters on the side that are dicided by the first three letters of the authors last name, the shelves have one letter but you put it in alphabetical order.
Then we got asked to tape books which is where you tape the front back and the page before the middle, While I did that Charlie was stamping the books once I had taped them Charlie stamped them.
Then we went around telling people that we were closing the library.
After that we went around tidying up the cushions chairs and books.
Next after all of that the bell rang to go back to class.

I showed respect by when we got asked to do the books we just did it.

I was also being motivational by suggesting appropriate books.

I have continued being a role model by helping others find the books they were looking for.

WALT: Solve simple linear equations.

My next step is solve word problems involving liner equations.

Anzac Day

Thursday, 27 October 2016


This term we have been learning about Parliament. We have looked at the difference between government and parliament, NZ parliament, who is in government, how our government works and we compared democracy to dictatorship.

Three things that I learned are NZ parliament are:

That the prime minester sits in the fourth sit on the right.

That the speacker can kick people out.

Theres 121 sits in parliament including the speakers.

 Compare and Contrast Map explaining the difference between democracy and dictatorship.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Technology Distinction #1

On Tuesday I went to technology in the mornings. I traveled on bus to Lincoln Primary School. I was in the sowing/design group and it was my last time for this year in this group.
Firstly I decided what I was going to make and I decided to make a small watermelon and strawberry. So I made paper patterns for them, then I cut the fabric out.
Next I sew them together, then I turned them inside out.
Then I hand stitched them together so the stuffing wouldn't come out.
After that I cut the thread off and tidied it up.
Finally It was time to pack up so I put all the thread back in the bag that I came from.

I showed community by helping others if they didn't know what to do.

I was also being resilient by not giving up on my things.

I continued being a role model by packing up my area properly.

Peer Mediation Distinction #5

On Friday I had Peer Mediation with Maddy  when it was time for our duty we went and put our vests on and our landlords so that people knew that they could come to us if they had a problem.
There weren't any  problems which makes it easier and is good.
Firstly we went around the junior area encase any juniors had a problem.
Secondly we went went around the junior side of the field because there are always a lot of people on it so just to make sure there weren't any problems around the junior area because the little kids sometimes have problems. Then we went around the senior side which is where a lot of people again are.
Next we walk around the netball and basketball courts to see if everyone was doing the write thing. Then we when around the classrooms to see what people were doing and make sure they where in the right place.

I showed active thinking by walking around the areas the have more problems than others.

I was also being self aware by showing up on time.

I continued being a role model by playing games that are sensible.

Librarian Distinction #5

On Thursday I had Librarian with Charlie, when we got there we started off by going and getting the books off the trolley and back on the shelves once again.
The first type of books we started with were the picture books with just have one letter of the alphabet on the side, the shelves have the same so they match up.
Next we did the chapter books which have three letters on the side that are dicided by the first three letters of the authors last name, the shelves have one letter but you put it in alphabetical order.
Secondly we started returning books by me on the computer and Charlie was scanning.
Next we issued books out for people by me typing in there name so that once I scan it the book will be out under there name.
Then we went around telling people that we were closing the library.
After that we went around tidying up the cushions, chairs and books.

I showed excellence by helping Charlie at the desk with the books.

I was also being trustworthy by showing up on time.

I have continued being a role model by helping put books back when they were on the ground.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Peer Mediation Distinction #4

On Friday I had Peer Mediation with Maddy and Sophie when it was time for our duty we went and put our vests on and our landlords so that people knew that they could come to us if they had a problem.
There were no problems which is good again.
Firstly we went around the junior area encase any juniors had a problem.
Secondly we went went around the junior side of the field because there are always a lot of people on it so just to make sure there weren't any problems around the junior area because the little kids sometimes have problems. Then we went around the senior side which is where a lot of people again are.
Next we walk around the netball and basketball courts to see if everyone was doing the write thing. Then we when around the classrooms to see what people were doing and make sure they where in the right place.

I showed community by walking around the whole school not just parts of it.

I was also being trustworthy by showing up to my duty on time.

I continued being a role model by playing sensible games.

Librarian Distinction #4

On Thursday I had Librarian with Charlie, when we got there we started off by going and getting the books off the trolley and back on the shelves once again, but there wasn't lots of books so it didn't take long.
The first type of books we did were the chapter books which have three letters on the side that are decided by the first three letters of the authors last name, the shelves have one letter but you put it in alphabetical order.
Next we did type of books we did were the picture books with just have one letter of the alphabet on the side, the shelves have the same so they match up.
Secondly we started returning books by Charlie was on the computer and I was scanning.
Next we issued books out for people by Charlie typing in there name so that once I scan it the book will be out under there name.
Then we went around telling people that we were closing the library.
After that we went around tidying up the cushions, chairs and books.

I showed active thinking by not arguing with Charlie to see who gets the computer.

I was also showing integrity by not letting some people go in front of others in the line.

I have continued being a role model by putting the books in the right places.