Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Key Leadership role Excellence #3

On Wednesday the heads and deputys went to student council and everyone else who got voted to be there classes representives. The meeting took place at 12:30 in the hall foyer set up in a circle.
This was our first meeting for this year and we started off by writing down our name on a piece of paper to say we were in the student council and it was kind of the roll.
Next we said how we got in the student council and I got in because it was part of my leadership role as deputy head girl.
Then  we said what we want to achive in the student council Eg. Fundrasie for charity, help with the ideas for the renivating of the school, sharing our voice to help the school. That was basically all we talked about seens it was our first meeting.

I showed respect by contributing to the group discussion positively.

I was also being trustworthy by showing up on time and not being late.

Monday, 27 March 2017


In Maths we have been learning to:

Compare and describe the variation between theoretical and experimental distributions in situations that involve elements of chance.

Calculate probabilities, using fractions, percentages, and ratios.

Here is a link to our online modelling book that supports this learning.
Here is some evidence of my learning.
Here is a link to some of my own experiments that I did.
Here are some screen shots of the IXL activities I have done.
Here is one of my figure it out activities.
Here is my other figure it out activities.

Screenshot 2017-03-10 at 10.16.39 AM.png

Screenshot 2017-03-14 at 2.01.16 PM.png

Screenshot 2017-03-07 at 12.14.13 PM.png

My next step is to continue to apply my knowledge of statistics and probability in a variety of real world situations and contexts.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Technology Excellence #2

On Thursday the year 7/8's had technology we traveled on a bus to get to Lincoln primary school.
I am in wood work and we are making speakers my speaker is a hexogon. The first thing I did was take the tape off that I had put on last week and aply new tape.
Next I started to finish painting that I didn't get done last week.  After that it was time to go to manderain, at manderain we were learning about how to say different drinks.
We also got given a sheet and we had to say the sentence that we learned. Then we shared with a partner and filled in the gaps.
When we got back I painted for a while then I stuck my speaker pat to the wood.

I showed community by being aware of others when painting by not swinging my brush around.

I also showed integrity by being honest when I didn't know what I was doing and asked for help.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Key Leadership role Excellence #2

On Tuesday the student leaders had a meeting to catch up on what we had been doing.
Firstly we talked about what we think is going well in our role and I said that the speech that I said at the run bik run went well.
Then we talked about what was challenging in our role and I said that public speaking was because I don't like speaking in front of lots of people.
Next the house captions talked about what game they were going to do for this term.
After that Mr Ladbrook asked if he could speak to Anneke, Josh, Nicholas and I about student council and how we think we can make it work.

I showed respect by contrubiting to the group discussion.

I was also being an active thinker by asking questions about what we will have to do for student council.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Technology Excellence #1

On Thursday the year 7/8's had technology we traveled on a bus to get to Lincoln primary school.
I am in wood work and we are making speakers my speaker is a hexogon. The first thing I did was take the tape off that I had put on last week and aply new tape.
Next the teacher showed us how to do some of the wires and connect them. After that it was time to go to manderain, at manderain we were learning about how to say different foods.
We also played a game where you had to hit the food that the teacher says in manderain and that was basically all we did.
When we got back we just painted our speakers for the rest of the time.

I showed active thinking by using my time wisely.

I was also being trustworthy by not wasting all the paint.

Key Leadership role Excellence #1

On Tuesday all the sudent leaders had a leadership meeting, at this meeting we talked about how the run bike run went last Wednesday. We all thought I went really well and everyone participated.
All the leaders got some care ticks for what they had to do there e.g Anneke, Nicholas and I had to give a speech to open it and we had to give everyone who got first, second or thrid a medal.
The care ticks that we were given were one in each of the leadership column and display all the care values to the public and represent Oaklands school positively which were from the EOTC (education outside the classroom) column.

I showed respect by listening respectfully even if the imformation didn't aply to me.

I also showed integrity be being honest when putting my care ticks in.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Games with minimal or no equipment.

In PE we have been participating in a variety of games that require little or no equipment.
Below is the Matrix which shows our progression in this unit of learning.

Screen Shot 2017-03-12 at 12.32.06 PM.png

The table below shows my understanding of games with minimal or no equipment.

Examples of Games that need minimal or no equipment.
What equipment would we usually need to play these games.  
Why do we play games with minimal or no equipment?
Battle ships
Tag games
Invisible touch
Cat and mouse
Seek up granny
Duck, duck, goose
Bibs or bands
Possibly a whistle.
If you don't have time to get lots of equipment.

If you only have a small group and you don't want to waste time getting gear.

My Strengths.  
Some things that I have done well during this unit of learning are obeying the rules because I didn't cheat.

My Next Steps.
Some things I could improve on when playing games with minimal or no equipment are think of more ways to impove the game  Because playing it the same way over and over agian it can get boring.

Leadership article writing.

In writing I have been learning to use a wide range of punctuation appropriately and with increasing accuracy like . , ! ? “”
- colon :
- semi-colon ;
- hyphen -
- parentheses ( )
- brackets [ ]
- ellipses ...

I have been especially focusing on using parentheses and semi-colon. I have highlighted these in green where I have used them as well as other punctuation that I changed because it was used incorrectly. Here is a piece of my writing that shows this.

Leadership: is a skill of being able to motivate people/teams to work towards a goal. There are six traits of an effective leader; Integrity, Trustworthy, Active Thinker, Motivational, Resilient and Goal focused. My key leadership role for 2017 is Deputy Head Girl. This means I open and close some assemblies/ events, represent the school to the public including not at school or on official engagements. In order to be a good deputy head girl I need to show the effective leadership traits.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Technology Merit #5

On Thursday the year 7/8's went to Lincoln primary school for technology. I'm in wood work and we are making speakers for my speaker it is a hexogen. Today we were painting our speakers, I'm paniting mine orange, white, black and grey. There are only three of us who aren't making a cube and I am one of them. We also started to cut our wires for the inside of them. After that I was waiting for my paint to dry.
I showed active thinking by when I wasn't sure about something I ask for help.

Key Leadership Role Merit #5

On Wednesday the kauri team had the run bike run at westlake. Firstly we walked down there then after about 10 minutes Anneke, Nicholas and I did a speech to open it. Anneke and I went around the course and cheered others on until our race. At the end Anneke, Nicholas, Maddy, Leeana and I handed out the medals to the students who placed first, second and thrid. After that everyone grabbed there stuff and started to walk back to school.
I showed community by cheering on everyone when they were racing even if i didn't know them.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

A9. Create a song on garage band. Merit #5

Garage band song
For this home learning challenge I created a song using the app garage band. I used a hip hop drum machine, solar ailer key board and a SoCal drum.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Getting Involved Merit #4

On Tuesday I got involved at morning tea and lunch by playing french cricket. When I was playing I was being fair by playing by the rules which were you, can't get out on the first go, you can move your feet after you hit the ball, if you catch the ball on the full or one hand one bounce the batter is out. The game worked well because we followed those rules and we kept passing the  bat around so everyone got a fair go.
I showed community by being fair and passing the ball and not hogging it.