Monday, 21 August 2017

Operations using fractions, percentages, decimals and integers.

In Maths we have been learning to: Understand operations using fractions, percentages, decimals and integers.

Here is some evidence of my learning.

Here are screenshots for all 6 IXL activities that I have completed.

Extended Abstract assessment task answer sheet and the activity sheet.

Something that challenged me during this unit of learning was Solve percentage problems where the percentage is unknown because it took me longer to figure out how to do it and complete it./

My next step is to continue to apply these strategies to real life/ problem solving situations.

Reading - Evaluate Texts

In reading we have been learning to….make decisions about the usefulness of the text for purpose, by using a variety of criteria to evaluate.

Here is a link to our online modelling book

We have been evaluating texts against the following four criteria:
  1. Readability
  2. Accuracy
  3. Relevance
  4. Status

These documents show evidence of my learning during this unit:
(link your own learning for each of these activities. Please make sure your sharing settings are open)

My Next Step: Is to continue to apply this new knowledge and evaluate texts as I read them, checking for readability, accuracy, relevance and quality of language/ information

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Key Leadership role Distinction #3

On Wednesday the heads and deputys went to student council and everyone else who got voted to be there classes representives. The meeting took place at 12:35 in the hall foyer set up in a circle with chairs.
We started off by Anneke calling out each class to see if they were here.
Next we talked about an ice cream day that we are planning.
Then Mrs Trotter asked if we had the prices of the ice creams and asked if the year 4 and 5 students had made posters to say that there was an ice cream day happening and if the year 6's had made order forms for the ice cream day.
That was basically all we talked about until it was 12:50 which is when student council finishes.

I showed respect by contributing to the group discussion positively.

I was also being trustworthy by showing up on time and not being late.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Winter tournament Distinction #5

On Tuesday the year 5/6 and year 7/8 rugby, netball, hockey and football went to hagley park we meet in the hall at nine o'clock and the left on two bus to get there.
I am in the year 7/8 netball team we played five game which were ten minutes but five minutes for a half but we just had to switch sides at five minutes.
The teams we played were rowley which we won 11-6, wharenui which we won 14-0, cashmere which we won 11-5, OLA which we won 10-3 and finally we played adenfield which we also won 13-1.
We won all our games which ment we won the tournament because we won the tournament we are going to canterburys.

I showed community by putting my rubbish in the bin instead of littering.

I was showing integrity by playing to the rules and being honest.

Friday, 4 August 2017

Technology Distinction #4

On Thursday the year 7/8's travel on a bus to get to lincoln primary school to have technology.
I am in science now at the start someone got to chose an element of the day and Amber chose galiuim.
After that we learnt about magnets and how the north and the south can connect but the north and the north and the south and the south can't connect.
Next we started prepare our tables because we disected mussels.
Then once we had finished we played element bingo which is just bingo but with the elements of the preodic table.

I showed repect by listening to the teacher when he was talking.

I was also being trustworthy respecting the resources that got given to me.

Key learship role Distinction #2

On Wednesday the heads and deputys went to student council and everyone else who got voted to be there classes representives. The meeting took place at 12:35 in the hall foyer set up in a circle with chairs.
This was about our 2nd meeting for this term and we started off by Anneke calling out each class to see if they were here.
Next we talked about an ice cream day that we are planning.
Then Mrs Trotter asked if we had hte prices of the ice creams and askedis the year 4 and 5 students  had made posters to say that there was an ice cream day happening.
That was basically all we talked about until it was 12:50 which is when student council finishes

I showed respect by contributing to the group discussion positively.

I was also being trustworthy by showing up on time and not being late.